Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last week was a tough week. I buried a very good friend.

She had been sick for a number of years, so her death was neither painful nor a surprise. Actually, when I say her passing wasn’t painful, I meant it wasn’t painful for her. For those that knew her, her death will leave a huge void in our lives.

As a result, I was off-line for a few days.

Upon returning home from the memorial services, I found myself trying to catch up on my job duties over at ThirsTea Corp, so my on-line presence has been limited…although I was able to participate in the #leadershipchat on Twitter this week (thanks @LisaPetrilli, @swoodroff and guest @Russell_Bishop).

Today, I find myself in Fresno, California. My executive management team and I are meeting with our strategic partner, evaluating flavor profiles for the iced tea concentrates we sell together in the foodservice industry. We are also discussing our joint marketing strategies for 2011.

As you might imagine (since you are reading this in an on-line blog), ThirsTea Corp. has allocated part of our marketing spend to social media and online marketing. While it is tough to quantitatively analyze the financial return on the marketing dollars spent online, we do realize there is a return (and it can be measured).

Since our primary business (and our partner’s primary business) is B2B and not B2C, it has been tough to convince them of the benefits of social media. I continue to remind them that conversations are happening; the conversations may not be about their company or brand, but there are conversations about the products they offer and companies they sell. Listening to the conversations can open new opportunities for them, IMHO.

I have also shared with them how our companies can use social media as a lead generation, specifically targeting segments of the foodservice industry.

So far, my arguments for a social media strategy have fallen on deaf ears. But, I’m certain they will eventually understand the importance of a well rounded and integrated marketing strategy that includes social media.

What are some ways other B2B companies are using social media? Within the social media spectrum, where would you recommend a B2B company place their focus…Facebook? Twitter? YouTube? Yelp! (Remember, we are a foodservice beverage company)…

And more importantly...who wants to try some iced tea?

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