I have some newfound respect for bloggers like Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, CC Chapman, Mitch Joel, Chris Penn, and anyone who posts on a daily basis (sometimes even multiple posts per day).
How do you find the time? Even more important, how do you find the inspiration for your content?
Sure, sometimes it feels like you recycle material from the past, or as someone wrote, “phone your posts in”, but the majority of time your content is educational and/or motivational.
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Life, business and travel have interrupted my creative process.
Actually, that’s not entirely true. My creative process has been amped most of the month. I just haven’t been able to direct that creativity to my blogging.
We have a ton of projects going on at ThirsTea Corp. We have initiated a few new projects, and we are close to completion of some more mature projects. It has been an exciting time around our office, but finding the time to complete a post has been nearly impossible.
My situation is not unique. Those of you who post on a regular basis face imilar challenges, I am certain. And yet you still find the time, inspiration and motivation to post.
Your dedication and effort are appreciated. Even if I don’t always agree 100% with what you write, your posts get me thinking about my own situation. And ultimately, THAT benefits me. So, to all of you whose posts I read on a regular basis, even if I didn’t mention you above, THANK YOU for helping me to develop as a better marketer, manager and leader.
Now, where did I leave that muse of mine?
(Photo: The Muse Hotel, New York)
Bonus Question:
Today we’re going gangster, pulling a question from the 1990’s flick “Goodfellas”.
Right after the “funny how” rant, Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci) shoots someone in the foot. What was the character’s name AND what actor played the character?
This one should be a gimme, but in case you need to cheat, click here for the answer.
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